Jeff Impressive Even In Defeat

On Wednesday, Jeff Joslin made his UFC debut against Josh Koscheck. I must admit, it didn’t go down as I had expected. However, if there was to be a way for Koscheck to win, this was the most likely scenario. It came down to wrestling. Koscheck scored takedown after takedown, only to be stood up time and time again for passivity and lack of action. Jeff is hard to take down. Credit goes to Koscheck – his double leg was fast and powerful as hell. A well deserved win. The guy’s going to be a problem foranyone in that division. Standing, Jeff got the better of the striking and on the ground he showed an incredibly technical butterfly guard. But it didn’t prove to be enough for the judges. Both fighters were scuffed up at the final bell.

UFC commentator Joe Rogan said during the second round, “Win, lose or draw I’m really excited to see Joslin again. This kid has got some talent!”

Jeff will be back.

“Congrats to Jeff on an amazing performance last night vs. Koscheck! Great stand up and incredible ground defense. While Koscheck did win on points he scored very little damage due to the effectiveness of Jeff’s guard. There is no doubt that this fight will improve Jeff’s game. The UFC would be crazy not to have Jeff come back. Yahoo for Joslin!” -Loaf, Canada Forum @

“Seriously, even in a decisive defeat, the guy impressed the hell out of me. He is clearly skilled both on the feet and on the ground, and he put up a good fight despite the fact that Koscheck is a complete f—–g monster and a horrible match up for him. I hope they bring him back” -Tomato Can, The Underground Forum

“Koscheck is a very tough match up for anyone. He has also looked very good in his last few fights and Joslin made him look extremely one dimensional again. Joslin did exactly what I expected. Stopped Koscheck from doing anything other than score takedowns and basically hold him there. Joslin is going to be a very tough fight for anyone in that division. Mad props. It was great to see that performance even though it was a loss.” -RussT, The Underground Forum

“Is it just me or was this guy really impressive in his fight against kos? He has lightning fists and excellent bjj, his work off of his back was really impressive… Even with this loss I think Joslin will be a serious contender and he’s just what the [welterweight] division needs; a real strong striker with well rounded ground skills.” -Chinesebugrepel,Sherdog Forum

“Probably the very best showing in a loss that I’ve seen in a while. I have no doubt he’ll be working his sprawl non-stop as that is the only thing that stopped him from winning the fight. UFC would be foolish not to bring you back.” -UltraViolentRay, Canada Forum @


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